问题#3704: 生成报告时,‘Cascade to Branches’功能显示不正常
问题#3859: 图形页面自动刷新不起作用
问题#3898: 实时图形弹出计数器错误
问题#3903: 创建数据源时,可能会发生未定义的变量错误
问题#3907: 当install_cacti.php脚本中发生错误时,安装程序不会以非零退出代码退出
问题#3912: 执行CSV导出完成后,进度条仍然会保留
问题#3915: 启用多个设备时,会达到阈值,导致进程变慢
问题#3916: 当对设备执行操作时,复制的设备信息有时会丢失
问题#3917: 使用API重命名树的名称时发生错误提示
问题#3919: 搜索时,页面有时显示可能为空
问题#3920: 从图形导出数据时,有些数据不能包含在内
问题#3924: 创建新图形后,不会更新图模板过滤器
问题#3926: 在Classic(经典)主题中看不到登录页面上的用户名和密码
问题#3929: 改进并发进程设置
问题#3930: 过滤器应删除空选项
问题#3931: 同步数据收集器时,会触发索引事件
问题#3932: 自动化网络允许发现无效的IP地址
问题#3933: 更改当前用户权限时,它们不会立即生效
问题#3935: 重新索引设备时,有时会显示错误的页面
问题#3942: 修复数据库时,audit_database.php不会添加缺少的列
问题#3948: Spine 1.2.15 遇到未处理的异常信号
问题#3949: 如果不存在日志信息,则日志页面不应该为空
问题#3953: 升级时可能会导致SQL错误
问题#3957: 使用ping.php时,hypnotoad无法正确解释UDP响应时间
问题#3960: 改善当您尝试查看您无权访问的日志文件时收到的警告
问题#3962: 复制文件时,脚本未标记为可执行文件
问题#3963: 创建插件表时,排序规则设置不正确
特性: 将c3.js更新到0.7.20版本
特性: 将Chart.js更新到2.9.4版本
特性: 将phpseclib更新到2.0.29版本
特性: 将PHPMailer更新到版本6.1.8
特性: 对CLI脚本使用LSB shebang表示法
特性: 添加对基于cactid守护程序的启动器的支持
特性#3923: 添加隐藏图细化图标的功能
特性#3943: 为插件添加钩子以显示自定义图形源和自定义模板URL(列表视图)
issue#3704: When generating a report, the Cascade to Branches function does not as expected
issue#3859: When viewing graphs, automatic refresh so not always work as expected
issue#3898: Realtime graph pop up counter bug
issue#3903: Undefined variable errors may occur when creating a new datasource
issue#3907: The cli-based installer does not exit with a non-zero exit code when error occurs
issue#3912: When an export is complete, sometimes the progress bar remains
issue#3915: When enabling many devices, a threshold can be reached causing a slowdown in the process
issue#3916: When performing actions against Devices, replicated device information could sometimes be lost
issue#3917: When using API to rename a tree node, backtrace may be incorrectly shown
issue#3919: When searching, valid pages can sometimes be shown as empty by ddb4github
issue#3920: When exporting data from graphs, not all data was properly included
issue#3924: Graph Templates filter is not updated after new graph created by ddb4github
issue#3926: Username and password on the login page is not visible in Classic theme
issue#3929: Improve wording of concurrent process and thread settings
issue#3930: Location filter should remove blank entries by ddb4github
issue#3931: When syncing data collectors, a reindex event may be triggered unnecessarily
issue#3932: Automation Networks allows discovery of invalid IP addresses
issue#3933: When changing permissions of the current user, they don't take effect immediately
issue#3935: When reindexing a device, an incorrect page was sometimes displayed
issue#3942: When repairing database, audit_database.php does not add missing columns
issue#3948: Spine 1.2.15 - Spine Encountered An Unhandled Exception Signal Number: '6' [11, Resource temporarily unavailable] (Spine thread)
issue#3949: Log page should not be empty if no log info exists
issue#3953: During upgrade, there are times when realms can be duplicated leading to SQL errors
issue#3957: When using ping.php, UDP response times are not interpreted properly by hypnotoad
issue#3960: Improve warning you get when attempting to view a log file you don't have access to
issue#3962: When replicating files, scripts are not marked as executable
issue#3963: When creating plugin tables, collation is not set properly
feature: Update c3.js to version 0.7.20
feature: Update Chart.js to version 2.9.4
feature: Update phpseclib to version 2.0.29
feature: Update PHPMailer to version 6.1.8
feature: Use LSB shebang notation for cli scripts
feature: Add support for cactid daemon based launcher
feature#3923: Add ability to hide the Graph Drilldown icons by datatecuk
feature#3943: Add hooks for plugins to show custom Graph Source and custom Template URL (List View)