问题#3643: max_oids值为空时会导致错误
问题#3656: boost显示运行得太频繁
问题#3693: 重建缓存可能导致接口图出现问题
问题#3703: 搜索图形树时,不匹配的设备也可以搜索到
问题#3711: 打开实时图形时可能会发生页面验证错误
问题#3722: 在控制台打开外部链接问题修复
问题#3730: 单词语法变化
问题#3741: 删除设备时,该设备会一直挂起,直到轮询完毕
问题#3743: 描述字段允许输入的字符多于存储的字符
问题#3747: 在安装或升级时,可能LDAP功能会出现问题
问题#3748: 无法删除发现的设备
问题#3753: 在安装或升级时,PHP建议可能并不总是返回有效值
问题#3755: 图形模板有重复的SQL delete语句
问题#3759: 当同步到远程轮询器时,可能会出现丢失错误
问题#3760: 当从远程poll程序中删除设备时,设备可能会重新出现,而没有详细信息
问题#3761: 当移除设备时,有时会记录错误
问题#3763: Variable注入并不总是按预期工作
问题#3764: 使用多个数据模板编辑数据查询可能会导致有关建议值的错误
问题#3767: 在长页面加载时,进度条可能会出现问题
问题#3768: 某些主题不允许查看当前登录的用户
问题#3769: 在查看表时,允许用户强制所有列都可见
问题#3770: 页面刷新之间的列大小调整丢失
问题#3771: 查看输入法表时,没有显示ID来帮助标识正在查看的方法
问题#3775: 过滤器搜索可能会出现问题
问题#3778: 在导出数据查询时,有时会显示无效的列名错误
问题#3781: 检查是否允许视图时,没有会话可能会导致错误
问题#3782: 通过CLI删除设备时,可能会看到未定义的变量错误
问题#3786: 实时图可能会导致无效的索引错误
问题#3790: 在较新版本的MySQL / MariaDB上,“ system”关键字可能会引起问题
问题#3793: 当通过系统功能读取选项时,插件设置会产生错误
问题#3809: 插件版本号可能会被截断
问题#3815: 当PHP会话设置为自动启动时,会报告一个错误,因为Cacti试图启动它
问题#3820: 删除项目时可能会存在页面无响应JS错误
问题#3821: 导出颜色时,一直转圈不能消失
问题#3825: 无法将tree和leaf的ID传递到“ graph_button”hook
问题#3827: 在执行维护时,有时会看到各种错误
问题#3828: 当来宾用户设置是活动的,当前用户设置并非正确
问题#3831: 在安装Cacti时,可以看到文本中的小错误
问题#3835: 没有小数位时,数字的格式总是不正确
问题#3836: 查看实时图时,可能会记录未定义的索引错误
问题#3844: 图形缩放时的内存泄漏和刷新问题
问题#3847: 实时图有时可能由于文件夹权限设置不当导致失败
问题#3849: 导航有时可能由于后台计时器而发生错误
问题#3850: 树管理器没有报告正确的树的数目
问题#3858: 树序列有时会在重新排序期间跳过数字
问题#3862: 来宾用户选择不应允许设置当前登录的用户
问题#3864: 在modern主题中,表标题中的链接不能清楚显示
问题#3868: 在某些情况下,树逻辑会导致未定义的索引错误
问题#3869: 如果数据源被损坏或已被删除,Cacti数据调试可以显示错误
问题#3871: 在导入数据查询时,有时会显示无效的列名错误
问题#3874: 在图形上使用shift函数时,不允许使用负值
问题#3881: 纠正文件不可读的问题
问题#3883: 在新版中安装旧的插件,可能无法从插件管理界面中将其删除
问题#3884: 更新MySQL关于字符集和分类的建议
问题#3888: JamesTilt将IP地址正确排序为数字而不是alpha
问题#3890: 保存设备不应该总是重新填充轮询轮询
特性: 更新FontAwesome至5.14
issue#3643: When editing Maximum OIDs Per Get Request, blank value can cause errors
issue#3656: Boost may run more often than it should
issue#3693: Recache Event Loop can cause Interface Graphs to show gaps
issue#3703: When searching Graph Tree's, non matching devices remain visible
issue#3711: Page validation errors may occur when opening real time graphs
issue#3722: External Links do not always open if they are still open from previous usage
issue#3730: Cultural changes to various word usage
issue#3741: Replicate deleted device status instead of poller sync
issue#3743: Description field allows more characters entered than is stored
issue#3747: When installing or upgrading, LDAP functions may not always be included properly
issue#3748: Unable to remove discovered device
issue#3753: When installing or upgrading, PHP recommendations may not always return a valid value
issue#3755: Graph Templates has duplicate SQL delete statement
issue#3759: When syncing to remote poller, missing function errors may occur
issue#3760: When removing devices from remote pollers, devices may reappear without details
issue#3761: When removing devices, array errors may sometimes be recorded
issue#3763: Variable injection does not always work as expected
issue#3764: Editing Data Queries with multiple data templates can give errors about Suggested values
issue#3767: Progress bar does not provide enough visual information during long page loads
issue#3768: Some themes do not allow for a way to see which user is currently signed in
issue#3769: When viewing tables, allow users to force all columns to be visible
issue#3770: Column sizing is being lost between pages refreshes
issue#3771: When viewing input methods table, no ID is shown to help identify which method is being viewed
issue#3775: Filters do not always respect using keyboard to initiate searching
issue#3778: When exporting a data query, an invalid column name error can sometimes be shown
issue#3781: When checking if a view is allowed, having no session can result in errors
issue#3782: When removing devices via the CLI, undefined variable errors may be seen
issue#3786: Real Time Graphs may cause invalid index errors
issue#3790: On newer versions of MySQL/MariaDB, 'system' keyword can cause issues
issue#3793: Plugin setup can generate errors when reading options via system function
issue#3809: Plugin version numbers can be unexpectedly truncated
issue#3815: When PHP Session is set to autostart, an error can be reported as Cacti attempts to start it
issue#3820: When removing multiple items, selection process does not always work
issue#3821: When exporting colors, the indicator is not always removed upon completion
issue#3825: Unable to pass tree and leaf ID to 'graph_button' hook
issue#3827: When performing maintenance, various errors may sometimes be seen
issue#3828: When Guest User setting is active, current user is not always properly set
issue#3831: When installing Cacti, minor errors in text can be seen
issue#3835: Numbers are not always formatted properly when there are no decimal places
issue#3836: When viewing Real Time Graphs, an undefined index error may be recorded
issue#3844: Minor memory leaks and refresh issues when zooming on graphs
issue#3847: Real Time Graphs may sometimes fail due to folder permissions
issue#3849: Navigation can sometimes occur unexpectedly due to background timers
issue#3850: Trees management screen not reporting correct number of trees
issue#3858: Tree sequences can sometimes skip numbers during resorting
issue#3862: Guest user selection should not allow setting the currently logged in user
issue#3864: Links in Table Headers do not show clearly when in modern theme
issue#3868: Under some cases tree logic leads to undefined index errors
issue#3869: Cacti Data Debug can show errors if the Data Source is damaged or has been removed
issue#3871: When importing a data query, an invalid column name error can sometimes be shown
issue#3874: When using shift functions on graphs, negative values are not allowed
issue#3881: Correct issue when file is unreadable reporting no file was specified
issue#3883: Orphaned Plugins have no option to be removed
issue#3884: Update MySQL recommendations for Character Set and Colation
issue#3888: Correct sorting of IP addresses to be numeric not alpha by JamesTilt
issue#3890: Saving a device should not always repopulate the poller cache
feature: Update FontAwesome to Version 5.14