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安全性更新 #4261: 模板导入时缺少转义可能会导致“midwinter”主题下的 XSS 暴露 (CVE-2020-14424)
安全性更新 #4276: 实时图表暴露XSS问题
安全性更新 #4282: 在PHP 5下注销时,不能重新创建会话id
问题 #4250: 由于数据源验证失败,从而导致无法创建图形
问题 #4254: 轮询器首次运行时,自上次运行以来的时间将产生一个错误
问题 #4259: 数据模板缓存不更新导致错误
问题 #4263: 具有多个数据源的图形不能再显示百分数
问题 #4266: 来自前一个轮询会话的不完整项可能被更新两次
问题 #4267: 未解析主机名时出现警告
问题 #4269: 默认设备创建图形时,安装向导可能会卡住
问题 #4271: 注册进程持续超时
问题 #4272: 使用没有DNS域的主机名可能会出现意外错误
问题 #4273: 从命令行添加设备时,数据源测试可能会导致错误被记录
问题 #4274: 当你开始图形缩放时,应该禁用自动图形刷新
问题 #4279: 默认设置“设备线程”将无法正确保存
问题 #4284: 数据库升级时,升级脚本中的错误导致失败
问题 #4293: 树搜索不考虑属于站点的主机
问题 #4294: CMDPHP错误数据库执行失败'snmp_query_graph_rrd'
问题 #4295: 如果一个页面包含多个表,较大的表可能会导致小表丢失列
问题 #4297: 尝试过滤图形时无法使用正则表达式进行搜索
问题 #4312: 当使用CMD.PHP作为轮询器时,如果您只使用数据输入类型的子集,则会出现警告
问题 #4314: 禁用snmpagent时,可能会导致数据收集的延迟
问题 #4315: 减少资源耗尽时的重复警告
问题 #4316: 逻辑错误导致removespikes.php脚本无法修复时间窗口内的间隙或尖峰
问题 #4321: RRDTool的早期版本不能正确地忽略以前的更新
问题 #4324: 无法更改图形上替换字段的日期/时间格式
问题 #4325: 编辑图形项时,更容易识别行
问题 #4326: 包含大量项目的下拉菜单不会立刻显示所选项目
问题 #4330: 自动化尝试调用未定义的调试函数
问题 #4333: 在FreeBSD下,允许ping对IPv6正常工作
特性 #4258: DavidLiedke将phpseclib更新到2.0.31
特性 #4283: 内容安全策略可能会阻止插件功能
特性 #4317: 允许 Cacti 管理员并行执行批量间隙填充和浮动
特性 #4322: 更新pace.js到1.2.4版本



security #4261: Lack of escaping on template import can lead to XSS exposure under 'midwinter' theme (CVE-2020-14424)
security #4276: Real time graphs can expose XSS issue
security #4282: Session IDs are not always recreated when logging out under PHP 5
issue #4250: Unable to create graphs due to Data Source verification failure
issue #4254: When poller first runs, time since last run produces an error
issue #4259: Data Template caching does not update and causes errors
issue #4263: Graphs with multiple data sources can no longer display percenticles
issue #4266: Incomplete items from a previous polling session may be updated twice
issue #4267: Unnecessary warnings appear when host name is not resolved
issue #4269: Installation Wizard can become stuck when creating graphs for default device
issue #4271: Continued timeout of registered processes
issue #4272: Unexpected errors may appear when using hostnames without a DNS domain
issue #4273: When adding a device from command line, testing of data sources can cause errors to be recorded
issue #4274: When you start to zoom a graph, the auto graph refresh should be disabled
issue #4279: Default Setting "Device Threads" will not be saved correctly
issue #4284: Database upgrade can fail - Uncaught argument count error
issue #4293: Tree search does not take hosts belonging to a site into account
issue #4284: Whilst upgrading, errors in upgrade scripts prevent properly execution
issue #4294: Tables outside of pre-built list that need fixing, cause bad unknown column errors
issue #4295: If a page contains multiple tables, a larger table can cause small ones to lose columns
issue #4297: Unable to search using regular expressions when trying to filter graphs
issue #4312: When using CMD.PHP as the poller, warnings can appear if you only use a subset of data input types
issue #4314: When disabling the snmpagent, you can introduce significant delay to data collection
issue #4315: Reduce repeatative warnings when resources are exhausted
issue #4316: Remove Spikes CLI interface is unable to provide localized spike, gap fill or float operations
issue #4321: Earlier versions of RRDTool do not correctly ignore previous updates
issue #4324: Date/Time format of replacement field on graph cannot be changed
issue #4325: When editing graph items, make identifying rows easier
issue #4326: When using large lists, ensure selection is visible in dropdown menus
issue #4330: Automation attempts to call undefined debug function
issue #4333: Under FreeBSD, allow ping to work properly for IPv6
feature #4258: Update phpseclib to 2.0.31 by DavidLiedke
feature #4283: Content Security Policy may block Plugin functionality
feature #4317: Allow the Cacti administrator to perform bulk gap filling and floating in parallel
feature #4322: Update pace.js to version 1.2.4
