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安全性更新#1566: 为Cookie添加SameSite支持
安全性更新#1985: Cookie应该根据密码进行正确的验证
安全性更新#3342: 格式错误的GET请求可能导致管理员电子邮件更改
安全性更新#3343: 禁用用户的访问控制不当
安全性更新#3414: 更新jQuery至3.4.1以解决jQuery 3.3.1的XSS问题
问题#2265: 当试图保存图形字段时,query_ifSpeed没有被正确验证
问题#2400: 允许复制网站设置
问题#2428: 使插件对文件夹名称不区分大小写,同时允许使用更好的显示名称
问题#2580: 当运行DSSTATS时,系统没有正确地检测到另一个已经在运行
问题#2853: 发现的设备筛选不包括snmp描述或名称
问题#3231: 允许用户解锁已锁定的树,以供其他用户编辑
问题#3237: 报告在每个轮询周期都会被发送
问题#3247: 语言源文件没有更新“po - revisiondate”属性
问题#3261: 自动化规则不会在远程数据收集器上的新设备上运行
问题#3296: 错误的PHP内存限制值会导致升级失败
问题#3299: 当使用php-snmp并设置SNMPv3时,会显示警告,因为库不正确地支持它
问题#3303: 在Windows操作系统下安装时,路径扩展未转换为PHP所需的格式
问题#3310: 当使用32位操作系统时,自动化会导致子网掩码计算错误
问题#3312: 控制台菜单不会为图形项编辑器页面自动展开
问题#3313: 安装时,由于软件包错误可以看到多个问题
问题#3314: 脚本服务器中遗留了无效的调试代码
问题#3317: 由于发现多个令牌值,CSRF Magic库可能会出现警告
问题#3319: 由于错误地检测到数据源概要文件ID,从0.8.x升级可能会发生错误
问题#3322: 在搜索LDAP帐户时,允许递归搜索
问题#3330: 没有正确格式化的包可能会导致安装问题
问题#3334: 从0.8.x升级时,应填充自动化SNMP选项
问题#3335: 无法在树上隐藏基于设备的聚合图
问题#3336: 插件需要放宽某些内容安全性策略的能力才能正常工作
问题#3340: 使用第95个百分位图时会出现未定义的变量警告
问题#3341: MoTranslator似乎无法正确处理空值
问题#3345: 当试图刷新日期时间选择器时,可能会出现意外结果
问题#3346: 当试图重写八位字符串时,额外的空格会中断模式匹配
问题#3348: 尝试处理孤立数据和/或同步图时,结果与预期不符
问题#3349: 禁止设置PHP变量max_input_vars,因为它是只读的
问题#3350: 编辑数据源模板时,由于数据库查询而导致看到不一致的结果
问题#3355: 通过用户图形查看原始图形数据时,值不一定总是正确计算
问题#3357: 在某些情况下,“树搜索”文本框的大小调整为0
问题#3360: 使用来宾帐户时,几次超时刷新后,来宾已注销
问题#3363: 当前用户和用户组权限页没有响应
问题#3367: 当数据查询超时时,会从主机SNMP缓存表中删除数据,从而导致问题
问题#3368: 由于缺少包含项,保存图形模板项失败
问题#3373: 当通过LDAP登录时,ActiveDirectory有时会报告访问不成功
问题#3375: 当轮询次数超过默认收集数据周期时,收集的数据不会分发
问题#3376: 提高轮询器离线后恢复的速度
问题#3378: 当试图检查是否包含MoTranslator时,打印错误使其看起来不可用
问题#3380: 触发阈值sendmail时发生php错误
问题#3386: 当第二个数据收集器没有要收集的项目时显示为正在运行
问题#3387: 对CSRF Magic的较小更正
问题#3388: CLI程序的命名并不总是与建议中使用的名称匹配
问题#3390: 如果当前标签不是“图形”,面包屑栏不正确
问题#3402: 调整Cacti灯塔审计中的分数计算问题
问题#3408: 尝试初始化密码时,CSRF密码路径未正确传递
问题#3409: 导航链接激活到其他基本Cacti页面的问题
问题#3410: 由于CSS中的某些问题,在某些浏览器中,Zoom中的高级模式无法正常运行
问题#3411: 升级主服务器时,未按预期进行完全同步
问题#3412: 升级主服务器时,将删除自动化模板
问题#3413: 升级并选择升级软件包时,安装程​​序将在日志中不包含软件包数据的情况下完成安装
特性#1551: 允许系统正常运行时间是一个用于图形的变量
特性#1990: 插件领域应该有一个“角色”,以帮助维护插件之间的更改
特性#2110: 向数据收集器显示添加刷新间隔
特性#2156: 添加基于位置的过滤
特性#2236: 允许从图形用户页面中清除数据源统计信息
特性#2268: 恢复复制数据配置文件的能力
特性#2534: 增强表格导航栏以支持具有更多项目的系统
特性#2688: 增加图形项“value”字段的长度以更好地支持pango-markup
特性#3304: 允许基本的认证帐户被CSV文件映射
特性#3366: 使用flex网格样式在checkbox_groups流下创建表单元素
特性#3374: 为“记住我”选项设置域属性以保护cookie
特性#3403: 增强“图形调试模式”以显示RRDtool命令长度和过多警告



security#1566: Add SameSite support for cookies
security#1985: Cookie should be properly verified against password
security#3342: CSRF at Admin Email
security#3343: Improper Access Control on disabling a user.
security#3414: Update to jQuery 3.4.1 to resolve XSS issues with jQuery 3.3.1
issue#2265: When attempting to save Graph field, query_ifSpeed is not properly validated
issue#2400: Allow ability to duplicate site settings
issue#2428: Make plugins non-case sensitive for folder names, whilst allowing nicer display names
issue#2580: When running DSSTATS, system isn't properly detecting that another is already running
issue#2853: Discovered Devices filtering do not include snmp description or name
issue#3231: Allow user to unlock a tree that has been locked for editing by another
issue#3237: Report gets resent every poller cycle
issue#3247: Language source files do not update "PO-Revision-Date" attribute
issue#3261: Automation rules aren't run for new devices on remote data collectors
issue#3296: Bad PHP memory limit values can result in failed upgrades
issue#3299: When using php-snmp and setting SNMPv3, warning is now shown as library does not support it properly
issue#3303: When installing under Windows OS, path expansion is not converted to PHP required format
issue#3310: When using 32-bit OS, automation errors can be seen due to subnet mask calculations
issue#3312: Console menu does not auto-expand for graph item editor page
issue#3313: When installing, multiple issues can be seen due to bad packages
issue#3314: Script Server has invalid debug code left in
issue#3317: Warnings can appear from CSRF Magic library due to multiple token values being found
issue#3319: Errors can occur upgrading from 0.8.x due to incorrectly detected data source profile id
issue#3322: When searching for LDAP accounts, allow recursive searching
issue#3330: Packages that are not properly formatted can cause installation issues
issue#3334: When upgrading from 0.8.x Automation SNMP Options should be populated
issue#3335: Unable to hide Device based Aggregate Graphs on Tree
issue#3336: Plugins need the ability to relax some content security policies in order to work properly
issue#3340: Undefined variable warning can appear when using 95th percentile graphs
issue#3341: MoTranslator does not appear to be handing null values properly
issue#3345: When attempting to refresh datetime picker, unexpected results can appear
issue#3346: When attempting to rewrite octet strings, extra space breaks pattern matching
issue#3348: When attempting to handle Orphans and/or Sync Graphs, results are not as expected
issue#3349: Prevent setting the PHP variable max_input_vars since it is read only
issue#3350: When editing a data source template, inconsistent results can be seen due to database query
issue#3355: When viewing raw graph data via the GUI, values are not always calculated correctly
issue#3357: Tree Search textbox resizes to 0 in some cases
issue#3360: When using guest accounts, after several timeouts result in refreshes, guest becomes logged out
issue#3363: The current user and user group permissions pages are not responsive
issue#3367: When Data Queries timeout, data is removed from the Host SNMP Cache table causing issues
issue#3368: Saving a Graph Template Item fails due to missing includes
issue#3373: When logging in via LDAP, ActiveDirectory would sometimes report insufficient access
issue#3375: When polling more often than default period of collecting data, distribution of collected data was not occurring
issue#3376: Improve speed when recovering from a poller from offline state
issue#3378: When attempting to check whether to include MoTranslator, typo makes it appear unavailable
issue#3380: php error when trigger threshold sendmail
issue#3386: Second data collector shows as running when its has no items to gather
issue#3387: Minor corrections to CSRF Magic
issue#3388: Naming of CLI programs does not always match name used within syntax usage advice
issue#3390: Incorrect breadcrumb bar if current tab is not "Graphs"
issue#3402: Cacti scores low on performance audit on lighthouse audit
issue#3408: CSRF Secret path is not passed properly when attempting to initialize secret
issue#3409: Issues with navigation link activations to other base Cacti pages
issue#3410: Zoom looses focus in advanced mode while crossing chart border
issue#3411: When upgrading a primary server, full synchronization is not happening as expected
issue#3412: When upgrading a primary server, automation templates are removed
issue#3413: When upgrading and choosing to upgrade your packages, installer finishes without package data in log
feature#1551: Allow system uptime to be a variable for use with graphs
feature#1990: Plugin Realm should have a 'role' to help maintain changes between plugins
feature#2110: Add Refresh Interval to Data Collectors display
feature#2156: Add Location based filtering
feature#2236: Allow for Purging of Data Source Statistics from the GUI
feature#2268: Restore ability to duplicate a data profile
feature#2534: Enhance table navigation bars to support systems with larger number of items
feature#2688: Increase length of Graph Item 'value' field to support pango-markup better
feature#3304: Allow Basic Auth Accounts to be mapped by CSV file
feature#3366: Make form elements under checkbox_groups flow using flex grid style
feature#3374: Set the domain attribute to secure cookies for the 'remember me' option
feature#3403: Enhance the "Graph Debug Mode" to display RRDtool Command lengths and excess warnings
